
Corporate Compliance

How do I report a potential compliance issue? Reporting and Resolution Process

Reporting a Potential Violation​

Each Team Member (including OSTEOCARE distributors and sales representatives) is responsible for conducting himself or herself according to legal and ethical standards. In addition, everyone has a responsibility to report in a timely fashion any violations of the OSTEOCARE Code of Business Conduct. Team Members will not be subject to reprisals for reporting or supplying information about potential violations and the Company expects Team Members to fully cooperate in any investigation of a potential violation. OSTEOCARE is committed to non-retaliation and to maintaining confidentiality and anonymity with respect to such reports.

If a Team Member needs guidance on a legal or ethical question or has witnessed/has knowledge of an illegal or unethical activity, he or she should seek the counsel of his or her supervisor. If approaching the supervisor is uncomfortable, or if the response is unsatisfactory, Team Members should consult senior management.

Team Members may choose to remain anonymous when reporting a potential violation. As with all questions or inquiries, the information given will be treated as confidential to the extent possible.

Investigations and Corrective Action

All reports of alleged violations will be investigated by the Company and will be treated confidentially to the extent applicable law permits.

 If the results of an investigation indicate that corrective action is required, the Company will decide the appropriate steps to take, including Team Member discipline, dismissal and possible legal proceedings. If appropriate, the investigation may be turned over to applicable outside authorities, and outside investigators may assist in the inquiry. As part of the closure process, results of an investigation may be shared with the initiator of the report.

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